Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Shaili: - Hello, viewers, I am “Shaili Chopra” starting the show “NDTV Animal Interview”. At present, I am in a Japanese beach, where you can see the deadly waves of “Pacific Ocean”. But, Japanese people are more deadly. Today, they have caught the famous whale “Tubaitu”. He will be killed after 15 minutes. He is injured now and lying on this beach. There are lots of allegations against him that since last 3 months, he charged as many as 3 big Japanese ships and drowned them.

Tubaitu: - So, you are doing my live coverage. Uff, you humans are so cruel.

Shaili: - We are not cruel. You killed at least 100 people, within these 3 months. What about that? Why suddenly, you started attacking the ships. Earlier, there were no whales in this Pacific Ocean, who attacked the Japanese ships. Why only you? That means you are a very cruel animal.

Tubaitu: - Can you give me back my “Samunairo”?

Shaili: - sorry, I can’t get you.

Tubaitu: - I was never a so aggressive animal. In my family, I was the most introvert type. I was very shy and I used to roam around in my territory near Hawaii islands, where people used to do diving. In this ocean, there are plenty of foods for whales, so, we don’t even bother to attack humans, and we always considered them as our friend.

Shaili: - By the way, who is this “Samunairo”.

Tubaitu: - She was my wife, dear. One day, my mother told us, that we will explore a new territory near the Japanese shore, where there are lots of good tasty fishes to feed on. There, I met this beautiful lady whale “Samunairo”. I just fell in love with her.

Shaili: - Wow, quite interesting. It’s a love story of whales, ha ha ha …

Tubaitu: - There is nothing to laugh, dear. You people are also animals only. I told her, to go with me to my own territory. But, she loved her own territory and she was not ready to leave that place. My mother told me that, you can live with your wife here, only. We will frequently come here to see your family.

Shaili: - Then what went wrong?

Tubaitu: - Everything was going well. We were very happy with our family. But, suddenly, the brutal Japanese government got some orders from foreign countries to make leather shoes and jackets. They then ordered their fishermen and navy to go for hunting all the whales. One night, my mother and younger brothers came to our territory. We were having so much fun that night, in the deep ocean. The very next moment, I saw the waters full of blood. A series of harpoons have been thrown on my family members. My mother, brothers and my beloved “Samunairo” is spot dead in front of me. I was shocked, I cried, but of no use. They took all the dead bodies in the ship and went away.

Shaili: - Oh! My God.

Tubaitu: - Then, in three months, I took the revenge. I killed around 100 Japanese people including fishermen and passengers. I just wanted their family members to feel, how it hurts, when you lose your beloved ones. Now, they have caught me and they will kill me after 1 minute or so. Tell me now, who is crueler?

Shaili: - Viewers, as you can clearly see now, the “Tubaitu is Dead”as they have killed him now. Good Bye.

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